My name is Jérémy, I’m 22 years old and I’m from Saone et Loire in France. In a first time I made an economic and social baccalaureate.
After this, I realised one year in STAPS but it wasn’t for me even if I like sport because the things I really love are books and reading. I like some languages too like Latin and Greek, that’s why I went in classic letters and I passed my degree.
These three years of classic letters were very interesting and I acquired a lot of knowledge such as Greek and Latin mythology, history and civilisation about Athenians, Spartans and Romans. This degree helped me to learn some qualities like autonomy, strictness and patience. It was a lot of work and it was a big stage in my life.
By now, I’m in my first year of Master Rare book and digital Humanities, because I wanted to be closer of books and paper. I think it’s another stage in my student life, maybe more complicated, but I’m really curious to see what the master can offer to me. The discovery of foreign students is very interesting, they offer a different culture from ours while they disvorer French culture. Talking with them and the courses increase my English skill. For now, I really like the courses that we made. Indeed, I still learning Latin and Greek wich allow me to maintain the level I acquired in previous years. Computer lessons are very interesting even if they are not always easy. However, they offer me the possibility of creating sites and mastering certain software such as Gimp and Scribus.
I’m not sure yet what I would like to do after my master’s degree, but I know I’m in the right place. Books are a real passion, they offer so much, like knowledge scientific, historical, imaginary, and allow the reader to step outside of the real world for a few moments.
What’s really amazing is that books speak through the words, but also through the pages, the cover and even from the smell. Analyzing a rare book must be incredible, that’s why I choose this Master.