If I had to sum up my experience in the master in one single word, it would be diverse. I knew this master’s program would be interdisciplinary in scope; however, the extent of the diverse range of topics that we have studied has surpassed my estimation. It has been very enriching and intellectually satisfying to be able to learn about topics that span the entire course of human development: starting at the origins of writing, continuing into illustration techniques of the 18th century, and ending up at the mechanisms of artifical intelligence.
But the word diverse does not only apply to our coursework, my amazing group of classmates are the definition of diverse — ranging not only from different countries, but from different continents. We have had diverse experiences together such as journeying by train to Colmar to attend a rare book fair, trying to memorize Latin and Greek noun declensions before a test, or witnessing each other’s artistic skills during an engraving and imprinting workshop. I am most certain that at the end of our two years, we will all be left with a diverse array of new skills and memories.