Our master is an adventure, it makes us travel in time, in the morning we can examine 15th century books, then, in the afternoon switch our minds to talk about the latest program to edit images. Also, we explore different parts of the world guided by the History of the book, so we can cross the oceans many times a day. Over and above, this master challenges us develop linguistic competences in many languages, at least French, English, Latin and Greek; in my case I get to know more about my own mother tongue because my academic project is related to 17th century Spanish manuscripts.
When I decided to apply, I had been living in Besançon one year, what attracted me the most about the program was this duality of ancient and futuristic. In Mexico, I received a bachelor’s degree in Philosophy and a master’s degree in South Asian Studies from El Colegio de México, the most prestigious University of my country. So, when I decided to pursue a second master’s degree, I already knew the level of commitment, responsibility and honor that such studies require.
I find the program of this master’s to be fascinating since it achieves to balance the theory and the practice, it matches the love for books and the technology. Along my academical career, I have always sought to link the philosophy and the history to the practical world, in other words, I aim to unify the humanities and the contemporary way of life, just as the purpose of this postgraduate studies. That is why, during my Philosophy learning, my thesis was about Hegel’s vision of the State; then, in my first master’s degree my research was about the connection between the religion and the political campaign and government of Narendra Modi in India.
My academic training and work experience have strengthened my passion for all kinds of books. As a research assistant, I helped to transcribe ancient Hindi manuscripts for its preservation and to facilitate their translation. In my last job, I have participated in the writing and editing of children’s bilingual textbooks. Thus, I have lived the process to transform and preserve ideas, that is why I am excited to have a deeper knowledge and then continue to a doctorate level. The UBFC is well known for its excellence in innovation and multidisciplinary research, I am proud to be part of it, and I am convinced that this is the perfect place to satisfy my yearning for knowledge.
Dulce Yocelyn Moreno H.
From parchments to eBooks
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